Testimonials & Comments from Clients, Doctors and Fans

As much as I’d love to give the names of those who made the remarks, privacy considerations prevent it. But trust me, do NT, and you will see just how spot on these remarks are.

“I would like to speak out in support of Naked Therapy as a new and exciting form of talk therapy. Sarah White and I have a client in common and while I worked with him for over five years with various cocktails of prescriptions and therapy methods, he has made significant improvements with her over the course of a few sessions and the improvements have continued over the past couple months. His energy has increased, he is overcoming bad habits, and he is excited about life again. Naked Therapy can be a helpful addition to conventional treatments. I encourage people to open their minds to this new method, and urge anyone interested in talking openly and honestly about themselves via the power of arousal to give Naked Therapy a try.” – Dr. Liu, Psychiatrist

sarahwhite001“This woman should get the Nobel Peace Prize.” – NT patient

“Your writing, your ideas, your bravery are gorgeous! I am so moved by what you do and how you are doing it. You are providing a therapy men are in desperate need of. And of course, I am one of them.” – NT patient

“As a trained therapist and a university professor who is involved in research I was interested in your unique approach. I also feel that traditional methods of therapy are mainly ineffective and a waste of most people’s time and money. I would encourage you to evaluate your approach which would give it authenticity. If you would like to collaborate on this, please let me know.” – NT patient

“What a whole lot of healing naked therapy does in this world of hurt we face.” – NT patient

“I really like how you exhibit your sensuality. You do it without losing your humanity and I think is really powerful. Perhaps it is just evidence of our cultures tendency to treat women as objects; women are sexy but their bodies are only one part of it sometimes I wonder how to make that clear to women in the right way.” – NT patient

“From talking to you and learning, the orgasms with my wife are more intense.” – NT patient

“Viagra? Humph… Viagra has nothing on this girl!” – NT patient

“I think Naked Therapy is such a fresh honest approach in a world where sexuality is kind skewed to say the least. Yer hot, yer idea is hot and you rock.” – NT patient

“You already sound like a person I could talk to. And seriously, keep up the good work no matter what they say. You are doing something that people are jealous of, or that they disapprove of, but that’s what happens when you are a pioneer. (And when it comes to sex or nudity, people are way over-sensitive.)” – NT patient

“I enjoyed opening my heart.” – NT patient

“You are the bee’s knees.” – NT patient

“I wanted to thank you. You are beautiful, smart, professional, and compassionate.” – NT patient

“You have changed my life. I don’t know how to express the incredible gratitude I feel. Wait – no – you have saved my life. Thank you so much, Sarah!” – NT patient

“You’re absolutely gorgeous and you have a body that could put Viagra out of business!” – NT patient

“This has been an extraordinary experience. From your insights, questions, and replies, I feel you are very gifted. You are doing something that is very much needed in this ever changing world.” – NT patient

“As you can see, we published the story on your practice in our health department. I have no doubt that it is a therapy indeed.” – Open-Minded Psychologist

“You are a genius for being the spokesperson for Naked Therapy. Woman’s naked body and it beauty is the most precious gift given to man, who, these days, in my opinion, does not deserve it.” – NT patient

“I want to thank you for all the good you’ve done me. I mean, after these two sessions I have no doubt that your “Naked Therapy” has a future. Be sure that you changed my life. Also, allow me to congratulate you for being SO sexy, having such an amazing rack and booty you’d turn on even a stone!” – NT patient

“I would really like to work through my resistance to some of the issues you have mentioned. You are clearly the person to do that work with.” – NT patient

“I find this form of therapy refreshingly different. People tend to avoid talking about sex and sexuality so they can appear to be morally upright especially in a society like mine.” – NT patient

“I am an Iraq war veteran. I have received some therapy, although I consider it mostly ineffective. I want you to know that the purpose of this email is to let you know that I think what you are doing is fantastic! I also think you are absolutely beautiful. Thanks again Sarah!!” – NT patient

“I would describe myself as a relatively happy person. But of course happiness is not a black and white thing, and so I do sometimes question whether I should be more happy in my life. Primarily, it is my (in)ability to interact with other people with which I struggle most. I chose Naked Therapy because almost every single person I’ve ever been able to establish a close relationship with has told me that I should see a therapist, but I generally have an implicit distrust of doctors/psychiatrists so I thought this might be a way of getting an independent third-party’s perspective without the inherent distrust I associate with traditional doctor/patient-type relationships.” – NT patient

“You should win a prize, such a unique approach! Can’t say that I am not a pessimist to whether it really works but I love it when someone puts it all out there, and you just really happen to put it all out there.” – NT patient

“Hello Dr. I’m from Brazil, and I can tell you that you new approach has been discussed widely here. I think that a very interesting way of working, besides controversial. Best wishes.” – NT patient

“One issue I have is poor body image and shyness. And I think this can help.” – NT patient

“First of all I would like to say that I think you are very clever. You are not afraid to change old antiquated ways of Psychology, the not very healthy Freud included.” – NT patient

“Good for you! Society would be better off shedding their fears! It’s VERY hard to commit crimes when you are nude therefore it makes society more honest. Can’t hide anything if you are nude (and it makes you feel happy!).” – NT patient

“The idea of the Neutered Environment engendered by Classical Therapy is probably what makes going that route of Naked Therapy appear so rife with the possibility of success. When you go to a physician’s office, you’re surrounded by neutrality (posters for flower shows; unthreatening music, preferably classical) and touches of government-sanctioned reassurance (framed college diplomas; familiar but unplaceable technical equipment)—it’s there to remind you that it’s a place of business devoted to making you well. And Classical Therapy adopts these same trappings, thereby promoting the illusion that you’re going to get an answer to whatever psychological ailments beset you. (It also helps—or, rather, hurts—that years of Academy Award-winning screenplays foster the same illusion.)… But what if the answers aren’t available? What if the idea of getting an answer is pure illusion? What if there isn’t even an answer? What if the Process Itself is the answer? Again, to reference Burroughs: what if the idea is just to let therapy create the space for your mind to solve its own problems? What if you’re right, then—the idea of having another object of desire is enough to free you from the objects already unravelling you is the answer? I think you are. I think everything you said was wise, and I hadn’t considered any of it until you presented it to me. It almost makes the idea that desire is what’s unravelling me seem quaint. How quickly the heart finds ways to point out escape routes the head is too paralyzed to see.” – NT patient

“The reason I find Naked Therapy fascinating is because in a way, for the past few months–ever since the summer, I have been trying to branch out with how comfortable I am with my body, as well as my sexuality–well, really just the comfort of feeling sexual…I’m not actually active or even have a girlfriend because I have too many other priorities at the moment. I am also constantly horny, so I am always masturbating either to porn, online stories, or just pics… You are a very gorgeous woman and very brilliant and unashamed of your sexuality, and our sessions are changing my life.” – NT patient